BPD Awarness Poster

BPD poster in doctors office


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is quite important in my life, most of my family members suffer from it, and like genetics work, so do I. This is not a set back, it’s simply a learning curve, being the best at controlling my emotions and self reflecting as to why I am feeling the way I am.  The task was to create a poster that highlights a specifc social issue important to one’s self in hope to bring awareness to the cause.

Close up of poster in doctors office

Creative Strategy

One of the many symptoms of BPD is not having a “self”, someone with BPD myay find themselves always mirroring others personality traits in order to find that inner self.That symptom is one that I resonate with a lot and wanted to represent it visually through art. It is something bad or ugly, it’s almost beautiful you take what you like from other people and apply it to yourself, and so a single line drawing of faces merging together was created after MANY drafts to represent the symptom.


I think my poster is beautiful and simple. It gets the point across and I think anyone seeing it will understand the idea of not having a self. Perhaps some people will see this and resonate with it, and they will finally have an answer to their troubles.