Advertising Campaign

Team Abigail Jeroso, Krissy Ionadis & Kim Dubuc
Role  Project managament & creative thinking



Band-aid launched Ourtone which is a type of bandage meant for people of darker complexities. This line called to us because we believed that even if it is as small
as a bandaid, changes can be made to accommodate and make everyone feel welcomed. Progress starts small. Ourtone stood out to us because we believe
that even if it is as small as an adhesive bandage, changes can be made to accommodate everyone to make them feel accepted and welcomed.
Progress must start on the lower end of the scale.

poster and mockup

Creative Strategy

The creative strategy was to bring to light the new diversity that band aid offers to reach the goal of bringing people of all different backgrounds together. The experience went rather smoothly, we all had a similar idea when it came to concept brainstorming. We all wanted the “stick together” idea and as we sketched realized that we all had similar ideas as well in visual forms. We ended up using one of each person’s sketches for the final triptych.

Poster and mockup


overall the final product came out perfectly. Although this would not change the state of things for society, small things like this can make individuals feel welcomed and seen, until it is further normalized.

phone mockup